Tuesday 20 March 2012


ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA CONSTITUTION CONSITUTION OF THE ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA (ACN) (As Amended, 2010) CONSITUTION OF ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA: ARRANGEMENT OF ARTICLES 1. Supremacy of the Party Constitution 2. Name and Description of the Party 3. Secretariat 4. Membership 5. Aims and Objective 6. Rights and Obligation of Members 7. Organisational Structure 8. Conventions and Congresses 9. Discipline of Members 10. Register of Members 11. Tenure of Office 12. Administration 13. Committees 14. Trustees 15. State Elders Forum 16. Elections and Appointments 17. Oaths of Office 18. Finance, Banking and Audit 19. Miscellaneous Provisions 20. Nomination of Candidates for Election into Public Offices (Presidential Primaries) 21. National Assembly and State Offices Primaries 22. Election Panel 23. Amendments to the Constitution SCHEDULE 1. Interpretation of Terms 2. Oaths THE CONSTITUTION OF ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA ARTICE 1: SUPREMACY OF THE PARTY CONSITUTION Without prejudice to the provision of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria or of any other law for the time being in force in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the provisions of this Constitution shall take precedence over and above any other Rules and Regulations of the Party, where such Rules and Regulations are inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution of the party. Which, shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be null and void? ARTICLE 2: Name and Description of the Party PREAMBLE Conscious of the need (i) To preserve and promote the sovereignty, unity and progress of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; (ii) To promote the welfare and happiness of the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; (iii) To promote true (proper) federalism in Nigeria based on social justice, freedom, equality, peace and progress of all our people; (iv) To promote prosperity, transparency, enlistment and social justice; (v) To promote an environment of tolerance and peaceful co-existence; (vi) To build a new nation which will guarantee equal opportunity for all, mutual respect and understanding, and elimination of all forms of discrimination among our people, and (vii) To render selfless service and enkindle in all Nigerians a deep sense of patriotism and nationalism; We, members of Action Congress of Nigeria… Do hereby solemnly RESOLVE This day, to give unto ourselves this Constitution having duly accepted that in all our conduct and deliberations, we shall be bound and directed by its provisions. The provisions of the party, which are inconsistent with these provisions, shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be null and void. 2.2 Name There shall be a Political party, called, addressed and known as ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA, with acronym ACN, hereinafter referred to as “the Party”. 2.3 Motto The Motto of the party shall be Justice, Peace and Prosperity. 2.4 Slogan The slogan of the party shall be: Democracy for Justice! 2.5 The Flag The flag of the party shall be Green, white, Blue and Black, with ACN inscribed on the Black colour. 2.6 Symbol The Symbol of the Party shall be a Hand holding a Broom with the letters ACN inscribed on the hand and embossed on the Party’s Flag. ARTICLE 3: Secretariat The registered office of the party shall be located in Abuja the Federal Capital of Nigeria, with offices in State capitals, Local government headquarters, and wards. ARTICLE 4: Membership, Composition and Requirement for Membership Membership of the party shall be open to every citizen of Nigeria irrespective of place of origin, religion or ethnic identity. To be accepted and recognized as a member of the party, a person shall fulfill all of the flowing conditions; (a) Be a Nigerian citizen and not below the age of eighteen (18) years; (b) Be registered as member of the party at the ward of his or her choice; (c) Lawfully possess a membership card in his or her name; (d) Pay the prescribed registration fee; (e) Not be a member of any other political party; ARTICLE 5 Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of the party shall include the following: (i) To uphold and defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other laws in the Federation. (ii) The attainment of political power through legitimate, democratic and constitutional means for the purpose of cultivating an egalitarian society based on the principles of equality, freedom and social justice. (iii) To provide a purposeful and integrity driven leadership for Nigerians. (iv) To promote unity and political stability by ensuring access to power and key public offices by all sections of the country. (v) To establish conditions and structures; this shall guarantee social justice, equal opportunities, social, economic, and political freedom for the people and ensure the general welfare of all peoples of Nigeria. (vi) To defend the sovereignty observance of open democratic process in all organs of party, government and state. (vii) To reduce poverty, want, ignorance, discrimination of all kinds, corruption, and exploitation in our society to the barest minimum. (viii) To maintain and promote the multi religious character of Nigeria, as well as religious tolerance and harmony. (ix) To encourage the development of agriculture, commence and industry. (x) To ensure purposeful mobilization of the creativity and resources of the people of Nigeria for the establishment of an economic opportunity for the fulfillment of life and the pursuit of happiness shall be open to all Nigerians; and a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the Nation. (xi) To promote active participation of Nigerians in the strategic sectors of the economy. (xii) To create enabling environment for full and gainful employment for all Nigerians who are able and willing to work, and to secure for workers full fruit and benefits of the labour. (xiii) To provide the basic necessities of life, e.g. food, potable water, roads, security, recreation facilities, environmental protection etc. (xiv) To provide (where and when practicable) free universal education at all levels and free health for all. (xv) To protect the interest of Nigeria and Nigerians and to strive to obtain for them the greatest possible returns for their labour. (xvi) To embark on integrated rural development aimed at enhancing the quality of life of rural dwellers. (xvii) To co-operate with trade union organizations, professional groups and co-operative movements for the economic progress of Nigeria. (xviii) To create conditions for the purposeful development of youth and for the development of their leadership capability to manage national institutions and resources effectively. (xix) To create opportunities of the political, cultural and economic potentials of the Nigerian woman. (xx) To protect and promote the rights of the child to achieve optimum development. (xxi) To pursue a dynamic foreign policy aimed at; a) Friendly and reciprocal relations with all states; b) Political and economic progress of Nigerians and peoples of African descent in particular and all oppressed people of the world in general; c) Promotion of the cultural values of Nigerians and African people all over the world, and d) International peace and security, harmony and co-operation (xxii) To organize braches throughout the Federation, sponsor candidates and canvass for their election into offices. (xxiii) To foster and defend the freedom of the press and the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all Nigerians. (xxiv) To co-operate with any institution or association for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the party. (xxv) To ensure that the policies and programs of the party shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and that accordingly, the part shall at all times pursue the political, economic, social educational and other fundamental objectives as well as the Directive Principles of state Policy provided for in the said Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. (xxvi) To promote the development of science and technology. (xxvii) To undertake any activities and adopt any measures or policies which shall aim at improving the general conditions and well-being of all Nigerians. ARTICLE 6: 6. Rights and Obligations Members (i) Membership shall confer on the individual the following rights and privileges. a) Right to contest elections on the platform of the party without any discrimination whatsoever. b) Right to democratic process and to free and fair elections. c) Right to fair hearing. d) Right to good governance and accountability. e) Any other rights or privileges conferred on members by the Nigerian Constitution, this Constitution and by other regulations of the party. (ii) Upon enrollment, a member shall; a) Pay all such fees and levies as may be prescribed from time to time by any of the national, state, local government and ward organs of the party. b) Be deemed to have accepted to abide by the provisions of the party’s Constitution as well as its policies and programs; c) Be deemed to have accepted to abide by all lawful directives and decisions of the party or any of its organs; and d) Be deemed to have accepted to refrain from acts capable of undermining the aims and objectives of the party. ARTICLE 7: 7.1 Organisational Structure 7.1.1 Levels of operation of the party For purpose of organisation, the party shall in ascending order, operate at the following levels: (a) Ward (b) Local Government Area (c) National 7.1.2 The organisational structure at the State level shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja. 7.1.3 Without prejudice to article 7.1.1.of this Constitution, any level of the party may put in place such zonal political arrangement that may serve its own peculiar political circumstances. 7.1.4 Where there is a zonal structure of the party pursuant to article 7.1.3., such zonal structure may have powers and functions similar to the executive committee level of its operation. 7.2 Party Organs Constitution of Party Organs The following shall constitute the organs of the party: a) The National Convention b) The Board of Trustees c) The National Executive Committee d) National Working Committee e) The State Congress f) The State Elders Forum g) The State Executive Committee h) The State Working Committee i) The Local Government Area Congress j) The Local Government Area Executive Committee k) The Ward Congress l) The Ward Executive Committee 7.3 Composition of Party Organs 7.3.1 Ward Executive Committee : (i) Chairman (ii) Deputy Chairman (iii) Secretary (iv) Assistant Secretary (v) Treasurer (vi) Assistant Treasurer (vii) Financial Secretary (viii) Assistant Financial Secretary (ix) Organising Secretary (x) Assistant Organising Secretary (xi) Publicity Secretary (xii) Assistant Public Secretary (xiii) Legal Adviser (xiv) Assistant Legal Adviser (xv) Welfare Officer (xvi) Assistant Welfare Officer (xvii) Auditor (xviii) Assistant Auditor (xix) Youth Leader (xx) Women Leader (xxi) 2 Ex-officio Member (xxii) Member of the National Conventional from the ward (xxiii) Councilor 7.3.1 (i) The Ward Executive Committee shall meet at least once mouth. 7.3.1. Power and Functions (i) Ward Executive Committee: The Ward Executive Committee of the party shall be the principal executive organ of the Ward and shall: (a) Convene the Ward Congress and prepare its agenda; (b) Make recommendations on policies and programs to the Ward Congress; (c) Pursuant to article 9 discipline its members; (d) Implement the decision of the Local Government Congress; (e) Handle all other matters that may be referred to it by the Local Government Executive. 7.4 The Ward Congress The Ward Congress shall consist of all registered member of the party in the ward. 7.4.1 Ward Congress: Power and Functions: The powers and functions of the Congress in each Ward shall include the following: (a) Evolving policies and programs for the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the party in the Ward; (b) Exercise all other powers, authority and functions similar to those of the L.G.A. Congress in the area of its jurisdiction; (c) Nominating Councillorship candidates for the Local guidelines of the party; (d) Acting as electoral unit for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Local Government, state and National Assembly elections in its Constituency (e) Implementing directives from the Local Government Congress. 7.5 Local Government Area Executive Committee Every Local Government Area shall have an Executive Committee of the party which shall comprise: (i) Chairman (ii) Deputy Chairman (iii) Secretary (iv) Assistant Secretary (v) Treasurer (vi) Assistant Treasurer (vii) Financial Secretary (viii) Assistant Financial Secretary (ix) Organising Secretary (x) Assistant Organising Secretary (xi) Publicity Secretary (xii) Assistant Publicity Secretary (xiii) Welfare Officer (xiv) Assistant Welfare Officer (xv) Assistant Adviser (xvi) Assistant Legal Adviser (xvii) Auditor (xviii) Assistant Auditor (xix) Youth Leader (xx) Women Leader (xxi) Ward Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Local Government Council who are member of the party (xxii) One Ex-officio member from each LGA of the State. 7.5.1. The Local Government Committee shall meet at least once in a month. 7.6 Local Government Executive Committee: Power and Functions The Local Government Area Executive Committee of the party shall be the principal executive organ of the Local Government Area Congress and in this capacity shall: (a) Convene the Local Government Congress on the recommendation of the Local Government Area Executive Committee or in exceptional circumstances on directives from the National, or State Executive Committee. (b) Make recommendations on policies and programs to the Local Government Congress. (c) Implement the decision of the Congress. 7.7 Local Government Area Congress The Local Area Congress shall consist of: (i) Chairman of the Local Government Area (ii) Deputy Chairman (iii) Local Government Area Executive Committee Members of the party (iv) National and State Congress members of the party from the local government area (v) Councilors who are members or Councillorship candidates nominated by the party (vi) Ward Chairman and Ward Executive members of the party within the Local Government Area (vii) Five Local Government Delegates elected from each Ward in the area. 7.8 Local Government Area Congress: Powers and Functions The powers and functions of the Congress in each Local Government Area shall include the following: (a) Evolving policies and programs for the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the party in the Local Government Area; (b) In area of its jurisdiction, exercising all other power, authority and functions similar to those of the State Congress provided that state functions shall be replaced by the Local functions; (c) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Constitution, ratifying candidates in accordance with the guidelines approved by the National Executive Committee of the party at a special congress convened for that purpose; (d) In cases where the Local Government constitutes State and Federal Constituency, the Local Government Constituency shall be responsible for the nomination of candidates into those houses; (e) To take and ensure the implementation of directives from the State Congress. 7.9 State Executive Committee The State Executive Committee shall comprise: (i) Chairman (ii) Deputy Chairman (iii) Three Vice- Chairmen, one from each senatorial district (iv) Secretary (v) State Deputy Secretary (vi) Treasurer (vii) Assistant Treasurer (viii) Financial Secretary (ix) Assistant State Financial Secretary (x) State Publicity Secretary (xi) Assistant State Publicity Secretary (xii) State Legal Adviser (xiii) Assistant State Legal Adviser (xiv) State Legal Adviser (xv) Assistant Welfare Officer (xvi) State Organising Secretary (xvii) Assistant State Organising Secretary (xviii) State Auditor (xix) Assistant State Auditor (xx) Youth Leader (xxi) Women Leader (xxii) National Executive Committee members of the party from state (xxiii) The State Governor and the Deputy Governor who are members of the party (xxiv) The Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Majority Leader, Party Whip and their Deputes in the State House of Assembly who are members of the party (xxv) The Chairman of the party in each Local Government Area the State (xxvi) Local Council Chairman and their Deputies who are members of the party. (xxvii) Local Council Chairman who are members of the party (xxviii) One Ex-officio member from each LGA of the State. 7.9.1. The State Executive Committee shall meet at least once every three months 7.10. The State Executive Committee: Powers and Functions The State Executive Committee of the party shall be the principal executive organ of the State Congress and in this capacity shall; (a) Convene the State Congress on the recommendation of the State Executive Committee or in exceptional circumstances by the National Executive Committee. (b) Organize and supervise nomination of candidates for Local Government Council, State and National Assembly elections in accordance with the guidelines approved by the National Executive of the party. (c) Organize, manage and supervise the elections of party Chairmen and members of the party Executive Committee in the Local Government within the State in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. (d) Make recommendations on policies and programs to the State Congress. (e) Implement the decisions of the State Congress. (f) Where the party is in power, guide and advise the government and generally assist in the faithful implementation of the party’s programs. (g) Generate funds for the achievement of the party’s objectives. (h) Pursuant to article 9, discipline any member of the party. (i) The State Executive Committee may appoint sub-committee(s) and ad hoc committees to carry out any of its functions from time as occasion demands. 7.11 The State Working Committee: Composition (i) State Chairman who shall be Chairman (ii) State Deputy Chairman (iii) Three Vice Chairmen, one from each Senatorial District (iv) State Secretary who shall serve as Secretary to the committee (v) State Deputy Secretary (vi) State Treasurer (viii) State Deputy Treasurer (ix) State Deputy Financial Secretary (x) State Publicity Secretary (xi) State Deputy Publicity Secretary (xii) State Organising Secretary (xiii) State Deputy Organising Secretary (xiv) State Welfare Officer (xv) State Deputy Welfare Officer (xvi) State Legal Adviser (xvii) State Deputy Legal Adviser (xviii) State Auditor (xix) State Deputy (xx) State Youth Leader (xxi) State Women Leader 7.11. i State Working Committee The function of the National Working Committee shall be carried out Mutatis Mutandis by the State Working Committee. 7.11 ii The State Working Committee shall meet at least once a mouth. 7.12 State Congress- Composition (i) Chairman (ii) Deputy Chairman (iii) Three State Vice Chairman, one from once Senatorial District (iv) The Government and Deputy Governor who are members of the party (v) Members of the National Assembly who are members of the party (vi) Members of the National Executive Committee of the party from the State (vii) Members of the National Convention of the party within the state (viii) Members of the State Executive Committee of the party (ix) Members of the state House of Assembly who are members of the party (x) Chairman and Secretary of the party in the Local Government Area (xi) Local Government Council Chairman and their Deputies who are members of the party (xii) All Ward Chairmen (xiii) Three Delegates from each Ward of the State elected for that purpose of which one must be a female and one a youth. (xiv) The Local Government youth Leader and women Leader from each of the Local Government Areas of the State. 7.13 State Congress: Power and Functions The State Congress shall have the following powers and function: (a) Electing officers of the party that will constitute the state Executive of the party. (b) Electing members of the party as candidates for gubernatorial election. (c) Exercising all other powers, authority and function similar to those of the National Convention in its area of jurisdiction. (d) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Constitution, ratifying candidates in accordance with the guidelines approved by the National Executive Committee of the party at a Special Congress convened for the purpose. (e) Ensuring the implementation of directives from the National convention 7.14 The provision/references in this Constitution relating to Ward, Local Government State Levels of organisation of the party shall apply mutates mutandis to Ward, Area Council and Federal Territory levels then Party organisation. 7.15 The National Executive Committee The National Executive Committee shall comprise of: (i) Nation Chairman who shall be the Chairman (ii) Deputy National Chairman (iii) National Secretary (iv) National Vice Chairman (six) each of whom shall represent one geopolitical zone in the Country (v) Deputy National Secretary (vi) National Treasurer (viii) Deputy National Treasurer (ix) Deputy National Financial Secretary (x) National Organising Secretary (xi) Deputy National Organising Secretary (xii) National Publicity Secretary (xiii) Deputy National Publicity Secretary (xiv) National Legal Adviser (xv) Deputy National Legal Adviser (xvi) National Welfare Officer (xvii) National Auditor (xviii) National Auditor (xix) Deputy National Auditor (xx) National Women Leader (xxi) National Youth Leader (xxii) State Chairman of the Party (xxiii) The Chairman of the Party in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (xxiv) The President and Vice President of the country who are members of the party (xxv) State Governors who are members of the party (xxvi) President and Deputy President of the Senate, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker in the House of Representatives who are members of the party. (xxvii) Majority or Minority Leader, Party Whip and their Deputies in the National Assembly who are members of the party (xxviii) Ex-officio members (six), each representing one geopolitical zone in the Country 7.16 National Executive Committee: Powers and Functions The National Executive Committee of the party shall be the principal Executive Organ of the National Convention and this capacity shall: (a) Convene the National Convention if necessary; may at any time appoint a committee to organise and summon Congresses of the party (b) Prescribe guidelines and modalities for the election of candidates for elective positions/offices at all levels (c) Implement the decisions of the National Convention (d) Where the party is in power, guide and advise the government and generally assist in the faithful implementation of the party’s programs. (e) Where the party is not in power at any level of government, critically examine government policies and programs and advise or criticize the government as appropriate in order to ensure good governance at the level of government in the interest of the nation (f) Generate funds towards the achievement of the party’s aims and objectives (g) Decide on the final appeal on all matters of discipline for any member of the party (h) Approve the annual budget of the party and recommend the adoption of the audit report to the Convention 7.17 National Working Committee National Working Committee shall be the composed of: (i) National Chairman who shall be the Chairman (ii) Deputy National Chairman (iii) National Secretary (iv) National Vice Chairman (six) each of whom shall represent one geopolitical zone in the Country (v) Deputy National Secretary (vi) National Treasurer (vii) Deputy National Treasurer (viii) National Financial Secretary (ix) Deputy National Financial Secretary (x) National Organising Secretary (xi) Deputy National Organising Secretary (xii) National Publicity Secretary (xiii) Deputy National Publicity Secretary (xiv) National Welfare Officer (xv) Deputy National Welfare Officer (xvi) National Legal Adviser (xvii) Deputy National Legal Adviser (xviii) National Auditor (xix) Deputy National Auditor (xx) National Youth Leader (xxi) National Women Leader 7.18 National Working Committee shall: (a) Be the caucus of the party and in the exercise responsibilities be responsible to the National Executive committee of the party. (b) Intervene in disputes and ensure justice and equity in the resolution of the matter. (c) Monitor party activities nationally for conformity with the party’s norms and standards. (d) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 9, consider and take disciplinary Action against any member or officer of the party. 7.19 National Convention The National Convention shall comprise of: (i) The National Chairman (ii) The Deputy National Chairman (iii) All members of the national Executive Committee of the Party (iv) State Chairman of the Party (v) The State Secretaries of the Party (vi) The State Youth Leaders of the Party (vii) The President and Vice president who are members of the Party (viii) Governors and Deputy Governors who are members of the party (ix) Members of the National Assembly who are members’ party (x) Party Chairman of the Local Government Areas (xi) Party Secretary of the Local Government Areas (xii) Party Treasurers of the Local Government Areas (xiii) All State Legislators who are members of the party (xiv) Local Government Council Chairmen and Vice Chairmen who are members of party (xv) Two National Delegates elected for that purpose from each of the Local Government Area of which one must be a female. (xvi) Members of the Board of Trustee xvii) Members of Federal and State Executive Councils who are members of the party. 7.20 National Convention: Powers and Functions The National Convention shall be the party’s supreme authority and shall: (a) Elect the National Officers of the party. (b) Consider and approve all recommendations for review and amendment of the Constitution of the party. (c) Receive, consider and take decisions on reports from other subordinate organs of the party (d) Consider and approve recommendations on the party’s programs and manifestoes. (e) Take all necessary and legitimate actions to protect and promote the corporate interest of the party in all parts of the country. (f) Nominate the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate of the party in accordance with the party’s laid down guidelines. (g) Take any other action which, in its opinion, is in the best interest of the party in particular and the nation in general. 7.21 Powers and Functions of Officers The National Officers of the Party shall have the following powers and functions: 7.21. i National Chairman shall: (a) Be the head of the party, providing good, effective leadership and direction to the party; (b) Promote and implement the policies of the party; (c) Appoint and inaugurate members of Standing and Ad-hoc Committee with the approval of National Executive Committee and National Working Committee respectively; (d) Authorize expenditures; Delegate duties, give lawful directives to all officers, organs, members and officials at all levels of the party, and exercise a casting vote where necessary; (e) Ensure strict compliance with the provisions of the party’s Constitution; (f) Exercise all powers and functions vested in him by this Constitution, the National Convention, National Executive and National Working Committees. 7.21. ii. Deputy National Chairman shall: (a) Perform the functions of the Chairman in his absence. (b) Carry out any other duties that may be assigned to him by the National Chairman, Convention or Executive Committee. 7.21. iii National Secretary shall: (a) Supervise the party’s day-to-day administration; (b) Supervise and direct all officials of the party; (c) Ensure the implementation of the decisions and directives of the National Convention, the National executive Committee and the National working Committee; (d) Issue notice of, and make effective arrangements for meetings of the National Convention, the National executive Committee and National Working Committee on the directive of the National Working Committee; e) Keep accurate records of all the proceedings at the National Convention, the National Executive Committee and the National working Committee; (f) Render a written annual report on the activities of the party; (g) Be the custodian of all party documents and materials; (h) Carry out all other duties that may be assigned to him from time to time by the party. 7.21. iv National Vice Chairman shall: (a) Play a supervisory role over the State branches in his or her geo-political zone. (b) Carry out other duties and functions that may be assigned to him or her by the National Chairman and or National Executive Committee and or the National Convention. 7.21. v. Deputy National Secretary shall: (a) Assist the National Secretary in the performance of his duties. (b) Perform the functions of the national Secretary in his absence. (c) Perform all such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Secretary. 7.21. v. National Treasurer shall: (a) Ensure that all revenues and expenses of the party are properly accounted for; (b) Advise the National Executive Committee and National Working Committee in Financial matters; (c) Ensure that all monies paid to the party are duly receipted for and paid into the approved bank accounts of the party not later than 24 hours after collection except during weekends when 48 hours is allows; (d) Keep a general impress account the limit of which shall be determined by the National executive Committee; (e) Pay monies duly approved by the National Chairman; (f) Prepare and submit to the National executive Committee a quarterly Statement of accounts of the party; (g) Be the custodian of all financial and security documents of the party. 7.21. vi Deputy National Treasurer shall: (a) Assist the National Treasurer in the performance of his duties; (b) Act as National Treasurer in his absence (c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Treasurer 7.21. vii National Financial Secretary (a) Collect and record all dues, levies, subscriptions and such other monies made to the party; (b) Pay all such monies to the party treasurer within 24 hours of collection; (c) Prepare and submit proposals for raising party funds for the consideration of the national Executive Committee or National Working Committee as the case may be. 7.21 viii Deputy National Financial Secretary shall: (a) Assist the National Financial Secretary in the performance of his duties (b) Act for him in his absence; (c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Financial Secretary. 7.21. ix National Organizing Secretary shall: (a) Liaise with the State Chairman and Members of the State Executive Committee for the purposes of mobilizing members of the party towards winning elections at all levels; (b) Initiate strategies including budget for the purpose of winning elections; (c) Take any other directive from the National chairman or National Executive Committee; (d) Arrange and prepare venues for party functions including the National Convention. 7.21. x Deputy National Organising Secretary shall: (a) Assist the National Organising Secretary in the performances of his duties; (b) Act for him in his absence; (c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Organising Secretary. 7.21. xi National Publicity Secretary shall: (a) Be responsible for the public relation and publicity of the party; (b) Be the principal image maker of the party; (c) Advise the party on media relations; (d) Publicize the policies and programs of the party. 7.21. xii Deputy National Publicity Secretary shall: (a) Assist the National Publicity Secretary in the performance of his duties; (b) Act for him in his absence; (c) Perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the National Publicity Secretary. 7.21. xiii National Welfare Officer shall: Be responsible for the general welfare of the members of the party. 7.21. xiv Deputy Welfare Officer shall: (a) Assist the National Welfare Officer in the performance of his duties; (b) Act for him in his absence (c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Welfare officer 7.21. xv National Auditor shall: (a) Audit the account books of the party quarterly and submit reports thereon to the Executive Committee; (b) Conduct other checks on the finance and assets of the party as may be directed from time to time by the National Chairman, national Executive Committee or the National Convention. 7.21. xvi Deputy National Auditor shall: (a) Assist the National Auditor in the performance of his duties (b) Act for him in his absence (c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Auditor. 7.21. xvii National Legal Adviser who being of the legal profession shall: (a) Be responsible for giving legal advise to the party (b) Interpret the Constitution of the party and other relevant legal documents (c) Arrange for the conduct of litigation and defense on behalf of the party, including its organs, officers and officials where the subject of litigation pertains to the party’s interest. 7.21. xviii Deputy National Legal Adviser who being of the legal profession shall: (a) Assist the National Legal Adviser in the performance of his duties (b) Act for him in his absence (c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the National Legal Adviser. 7.21. xix National Youth Leader shall: (a) Be responsible for the sensitization of the youth through Seminars, Workshops, and other forms of public enlightenment; (b) Be responsible for the mobilization of the youth to effectively participate in the affairs of the party. 7.21. xx National Women Leader Shall: (a) Be responsible for the sensitization of the women through seminars, workshop, and other forms of public enlightenment; (b) Be responsible for the mobilization of the women to effectively participate in the affairs of the party; (c) Be responsible for the promotion and protection of women issues in the party. ARTICLE 8: Convention and Congresses 8. 1 Connections and Congresses (a) The Contention and Congresses of the party at the National, State and other levels shall be held at least once a year at a date, venue and time to be approved by the relevant Executive Committee. (b) Special Convention may be convened to consider special issues of paramount importance to the party. 8.2 Emergency Meeting (a) The Executive Committee may summon an emergency meeting of the national Convention or Congresses at any time, provided that at least seven (7) days notice of the meeting is given to all those entitled to attend. (b) The Chairman of the Executive Committee of the party at any level shall direct the Secretary of the organ to summon a meeting of the Executive Committee as the case may be on joint application made in writing by a least one third of the members of that organ. (c) Where the Chairman and Secretary fail to convene the meeting within seven (7) days of the receipt of the application, a meeting may be convened by a publication in a National Newspaper made by the signatories to the joint application and in case of the Local Government and Wards by a notice pasted in the relevant party secretariat. 8.3 Quorum One half of the members of any organ of the party shall constitute the quorum for the purposes of a valid meeting of that organ. 8.4 Mode of Calling Meetings All meetings shall be summoned in writing and or through the mass media. 8.5 Rules for the Conduct of Meetings (a) All meetings of the various organs of the party shall follow the same or similar procedure as prescribed hereunder. Irregular conduct of meetings shall be unconstitutional and shall accordingly render null and void decisions reached at such meetings. (b) The Chairman of any organ of the party shall preside over the meetings of the organ except in the case of a sub-committee where the presiding person may be appointed by the Executive Committee of the parent organ or from among themselves. (c) All meetings of the party shall be conducted and recorded in the English Language. However, the Chairman of the meeting may use his discretion to allow the use of a local language if in his judgment communication and the peace of the meeting would be thereby facilitated. (d) With the exception of the following listed motions, no motion and amendment shall be entertained at a meeting unless at least seven (7) days notice of such motion had been given in writing to the Secretary or the Chairman. (i) A motion that any subject matter be approved deferred or referred to a committee or some appropriate body. (ii) A motion for adjournment. (iii) A motion proposing an amendment to some opinion already presented at the same meeting. (e) Every motion and amendment shall be seconded before discussion. (f) A motion for amendment may be withdrawn at any time at the request of the mover. (g) Without prejudice to article 8.5.d in urgent or emergency situations, the Chairman of a meeting shall have the discretion to dispense with the requirement to give notice of motion. (h) Deliberations at a meeting shall be strictly on the subject matters listed on the agenda of the meeting, provided that general issues may be presented or discussed at the end of the main agenda. (i) Except upon a duly notified motion, a fresh deliberation or debate on a matter already concluded shall not be permitted (j) A member shall indicate a desire to speak by show of hand, sitting and shall rise to speak only when called upon to do so by the Chairman. (k) Any member deviating from these rules or from the agenda of a meeting shall be immediately called to order by the Chairman or by another member raising a point of order. (l) The Chairman of a meeting shall have power to ask anyone who is his opinion is manifestly obstructing the conduct and peace of the meeting to leave the meeting. (m) No member shall leave a meeting without the leave of the Chairman. (n) Putting the question, shall follow normal parliamentary procedure. (o) Voting on any subject at a meeting shall be by a show of hands or by secret ballot. (p) Except otherwise provided in this Constitution, decisions of any organ or the party shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of members present. ARTICLE 9: Discipline of Members 9.1. The party shall be a disciplined organisation and all members of the party shall be disciplined, honest and of good conduct and shall always be loyal to the party. 9.2. The following shall constitute acts of indiscipline in the context of the party, disloyalty, disorderly behaviour at meetings, thefts, fraud, disrespect of the party, immoral conduct, failure to fulfill financial obligations and other obligations of membership and conviction for criminal offence. 9.3. All Acts of indiscipline shall be sanctioned. Such sanction shall vary according to the gravity of the offence committed. 9.4. (a) The Executive Committee at every level shall have power to decide on disciplinary measures against an offending member provided that only the National convention shall have power to expel a member. (b). The National Working Committee and State Working Committee shall have powers to recommend to the national executive Committee and State Executive Committee, respectively the dissolution of any State Working Committee or Local Government Executive Committee, respectively and the appointment of a Caretaker Committee for any state branch or local government branch, respectively that appears to be in crisis, factionalize and/or face with collapse of leadership. Provided that in all cases only the National Executive Committee or the State Executive Committee shall have and exercise the power to dissolve a State Working Committee or Local Government Executive Committee respectively. 9.5. Notwithstanding any provisions of this article, the party may where necessary invoke its rights to seek legal redress against any offending member. 9.6. The Executive Committee at every level shall have power to suspend a member for act of indiscipline. 9.7. A suspended member shall lose the privilege or membership for the period of suspension and may be required to fulfill certain conditions before the suspension is lifted. 9.8. A suspended member shall have the right of appeal to the Local Government Elders Forum in the case of suspension by the Local Government or Ward Executive Committee, to State Elders Forum in the case of suspension by the State Executive Committee, to the Board of Trustees in the case of suspension by the National Executive Committee. 9.9. Only the National Convention shall have power to expel a member from the party. 9.10. In all members of discipline, every member of the party shall enjoy the right to a fair hearing. ARTICLE 10: Register of Members 10.1 The party shall maintain at its Secretariat at every level a register of members. 10.2 The register of members shall contain the name of every member of the party, his address and registration number. 10.3 The members name in the register of members shall be the prima facie evidence of valid registration as a member. 10.4 The membership register shall continuously be updates to accommodate new members provided that the register so updated can only be relevant for Congresses and Convention. ARTICLE 11: Tenure of Office 11.1 Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all officers of the party elected or appointed into the party’s organs shall serve in such organs for a period of four (4) years and shall be eligible for re-election or re-appointment for another period of four (4) years only; provided that an officer elected or appointed to fill a vacancy arising from death, resignation or otherwise shall notwithstanding be eligible for election to the same office for two terms. 11.2 No member shall serve in the same office for more than eight (8) years continuously, except a member of the Board of Trustees or a person who first came to the office by filling a vacancy as provided in article 11.1. 11.3 An officer at the National and State Levels of the party shall not hold another office at State or National organ of the party concurrently, other than being an ex-officio member of that organ. 11.4 Subject to ratification by Convention or Congress, an officer shall be relieved of his post at any time if a vote of “No Confidence” is pass on him by two-thirds of members of the relevant party organ. 11.5 Pursuant to article 11.4 of this Constitution, where a vote of “No Confidence” has been passed on an officer, the relevant party organ shall appoint another person to act in his place pending ratification by the Convention of Congress. 11.6 Any officer at any level of the party who wishes to contest an elective office into government shall resign his party position at least ninety (90) days before the party nominations for the election, provided that in all general elections the party shall, one hundred and twenty (120) days before the elections, issue and publish dates for the Convention and Congress at which candidates for election shall be nominated. ARTICLE 12: Administration 12.1 There shall be administrative officers at all levels of the party who shall be responsible for the day to day administration and report to the relevant Executive Committee through the National Secretary. (a) Subject to article 12.1 above, the Directorate in the party’s administration shall include: (b) The Directorate of Organization, which shall be headed by the Director of Organization and shall be responsible for the organization of the party at all levels. (c) The Directorate of administration and Training, which shall be headed by a Director of Administration and shall attend to personnel and other administrative matters. (d) The Directorate of Finance, which shall be headed by a Director of Finance and attend to all financial matters. (e) The Director of Media and Publicity, which shall be headed by Director of Media and Publicity and shall administer public relations matters. (f) Directorate of Research, Planning and Program, which shall be headed by a Director of Research, Planning and Program and shall deal with research, planning, program and policy matters. (g) Directorate of Social Welfare and protocol, which shall be headed by a Director of Social Welfare and Protocol, and shall be responsible for welfare and protocol matters. (h) Directorate of Security and Intelligence shall be headed by Director of Security and Intelligence and shall be responsible for security and Intelligence matters. (i) Directorate of Legal services shall be headed by director of Legal Services and shall be responsible for legal matters. 12.2 All officials of the party shall be appointed by the relevant Executive Committee. 12.3 The salaries and other conditions of service of officials shall be decided by the appropriate executive Committee which shall have power to employ and dismiss any official. ARTICLE 13: Committees 13.1 There shall be standing committees as follow: (a) Ways and Means Committee: which shall be headed by the Treasurer as Chairman, shall comprise a minimum of seven (7) members, including the Financial Secretary and shall advise the party on ways and means of generating funds and property and investing these for the party in accordance with the provision of article 17 of this Constitution. (b) Media and Publicity Committee: shall have as Chairman the Publicity Secretary and six (6) others. The Media and Publicity Committee shall advise the party on Management of Information, Communication, Publication, Public Relations, Education, Mass Media matters and Community Affairs. (c) Disciplinary and Arbitration Committee: which shall have the legal adviser as Chairman and six (6) members and shall receive, examine, investigate, initiate and propose disciplinary and arbitration matters affecting members or groups of members and submit findings to the appropriate executive Committee for consideration and necessary actions. (d) Election Committee: shall have the National Organising Secretary as Chairman and six (6) members, and shall advise the party on legitimate strategies, logistics, and modalities for conduct of campaign to ensure total success at elections. (e) Establishment Committee: shall have the party Secretary as Chairman at relevant levels of the party and shall advise the elected Chief Executive on appointments. 13.2 Without prejudice to the provision of article 13.1.of this Constitution, the National Executive Committee shall have power to set up Ad-hoc Committees whenever the need for such committees arises. ARTICLE 14: BOARD OF TRUSTEE 14.1 Trustee: (I) There shall be a Board of Trustees of the party which shall be appointed by the National Convention on the recommendation of the State Congress passed through the National Executive Committee and shall hold office for five (5) years. (II) The Board of Trustees shall consist of one member from each State of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in addition to two members nominated from each of the six geo-political zones. Provided that one of the two nominees from each of the geo-political zone shall be a female. (III) The President, Vice president, Senate President and the Speaker of the House of representative shall be members of Board of Trustee if they are members of the party. (IV) Qualification for appointment as Trustee shall be same as that of a Senator in the National Assembly. 14.2 POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF TRUSTEES (a) The board of trustees shall be the conscience of the party and shall; ensure that high moral standards are observed in the conduct of the party activities (b) Without prejudice to the provisions of this constitution, the board of trustee member shall not take part in the day-to-day activities of running the party at any level. (c) The board of trustee members can attend any meeting organised by any organ of the party but shall have no voting rights at any of those meetings except at the National Convention and that of the Board of Trustees. (d) The chairman and Secretary of the Board are full members of the National Executive. (e) A Trustee may be removed from office by a resolution at the annual convention on the recommendation of the Board on the grounds of infirmity or misconduct. (f) A Trustee may resign his/her membership of the Board by tendering a letter to that effect to the Chairman. (g) The Board of Trustee shall mediate in the event of disputes across the arms of the party, Executive and Legislative. (h) The Board of Trustee shall co-ordinate, harmonize, review and advise when necessary on policies, programs and activities of the party. (i) The Board of Trustee shall co-ordinate the funding activities of the party. (j) The Board of Trustee shall be the custodian of party assets. (k) The Board of Trustee shall carry out other functions as may be referred to it by the National Convention. (l) The Board of Trustee shall give to the National Executive Committee of the party general advice, which the National Executive of the party shall consider appropriately. ARTICLE 15: State Elders Forum 1. There shall be a state Elders Forum of the party which shall be appointed by the State Congress on the recommendation of the Local Government Executive Committee and shall hold office for three (3) years. 2. The State Elders Forum of at least one member from each LGA of the State and shall elect their Chairman from amongst themselves. 3. The Governor, Deputy Governor and the Speaker of the State House of Assembly who are members of the party shall be members of the forum. 4. The State Elders Forum shall at its level exercise the powers of the Board of Trustee. ARTICLE 16: Elections and Appointments 1. All party posts prescribe by the Constitution shall be filled by democratically conducted elections and in accordance with the guidelines that may be approved by the Nation Executive Committee of the party. 2. In the event of nomination, elections or appointment for the formation of, or participation in government, the National Executive shall make rules and regulations for the selection of candidates in consultation with the State Executive Committee. All such rules and regulations shall take into consideration and uphold; (a) Aim and Objective of the party in article 5 (b) The Federal character principle and the principle of geographical spread; (c) Equitable representation for women and youths. ARTICLE 17: Oaths of Office Every officer elected or appointed as an officer of the party shall subscribe to the Oath of Office as provided in the schedule 2B of this Constitution before the Commissioner for Oaths or Notary public. ARTICLE 18: Finance, Banking and Audit 18.1 Finance The funds of the party at all levels shall be derived from all or any of the following sources: a) Membership fees. b) Income generated by property owned by the party. c) Profit from the income of enterprises owned by the party. d) Public funding i.e grant from the state and contributions from legal entities and neutral persons. e) Levies, donation and grants. 18.2. The National Executive Committee shall have the power to make special grants and donations or grant loans without interest to any organ of the party, subject to guidelines and regulations approved by the National Convection. 18.3. The budget of the party at any level shall be approved by the appropriate Executive Committee and authorisation of all expenditures herein shall be vested in the relevant Chairman. 18.4. A fee to be known as the membership fee shall be paid to the party by every member. The fee, which shall be the same amount throughout the country, shall be determined from time to time by the National Executive Committee of the party. 18.5. A financial member of the party shall be a member who has paid all approved dues, fees and levies payable by him under this Constitution. 18.6. Banking The party at all levels shall operate banks approved by the relevant Executive Committee. Withdrawals from such accounts shall be effected jointly by the appropriate Chairman as principal signatory and either Secretary or the Treasurer as co-signatory. 18.7. Audit a) A firm of accountants shall be appointed by the Board of Trustee on the recommendation of the National Executive Committee to audit all accounts of the party and submit the audited Accounts and Report thereon to the National Execute Committee which will consider the report and authorize its publication. b) A statement of the party’s assets and liabilities shall be published in accordance with the prevailing laws of the federation, on the authority of the National Executive Committee. c) Without prejudice to article 18.7a of this Constitution, there shall be an Internal Auditor who shall be responsible for the internal auditing of the party’s finances. ARTICLE 19 Miscellaneous Provisions 19.1 Resignation a) A member of the party shall be free to resign his membership at any time. b) Upon resignation, a member shall surrender all property of the clearance to that effect. 19.2 Election of Officers a) Election of Officers of the party at every level shall be held not later than one month before expiration of tenure of the incumbent Executive Committee. b) Voting shall be by open ballot at Ward and Local Government levels but by secret ballot at State Congresses and National Conventions. c) The winner of election shall be determined by a simple majority of the total votes cast. d) In the event of a tie in any ballot, the election for the particular office shall be repeated for tying candidates until a winner emerges. 19.3 Eligibility No member shall be eligible to contest any election as an officer or candidate of the party unless that member had been a financial member of the party for at least six (6) months before the date of such party elections. This clause shall not apply during the transition/formative period, or where the relevant Executive Committee has granted waiver. 19.4 Rules and Regulations All organs of the party shall have the powers to make rules and regulations for the smooth running of the party provided that such rules and regulations are in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution. 19.5 Foreign Chapters Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, there shall be foreign chapters of the party provided that such chapters meet the following conditions: a) If they exist to serve the purpose of the party. b) Approval for the establishment of a foreign chapter shall be sought by a minimum of fifty (50) members of the party disposed to the special situation after a resolution to that effect has been taken by them. c) The National Executive Committee shall examine the circumstances of such application and shall have the power to approve or reject the formation of any such chapter. ARTICLE 20: Nomination of the Candidates for Election into Public Offices Party Primaries 20.1 Presidential Primaries a) For the purpose of the nomination of a presidential candidate of the party, the whole country shall form one constituency. b) An aspirant seeking nomination of a presidential candidate shall submit himself to election at the National Convection of the party specially convened for that purpose, provided that the nomination of each aspirant is supported by one registered member of the party from each senatorial district in the Federation. c) For presidential aspirant to qualify as a candidate at the National Convention of the party, he shall have scored in his or her state congress of the party simple majority of the votes cast by the total number of delegates participating at the congress. d) Where no aspirant wins majority of the votes cast in his State congress, there shall be a second ballot in which the first two aspirants with the highest number of votes in the first ballot shall be eligible to contest. Then the aspirant with highest number of votes shall be considered the winner and therefore qualify as candidate at the National Convention. e) For the purpose of article 20.1b, c and d of this Constitution, the FCT Abuja shall be treated as if it were a State. f) Where no aspirant wins majority of the votes cast at the National Convention, there shall be a second ballot in which the first two aspirants with the highest number of votes cast in the first ballot shall be eligible to contest and the aspirant with the highest number of the votes cast in the first ballot shall be eligible to contest and the aspirant with the highest number of the votes cast shall be considered the winner and therefore duly nominated. ARTICLE 21 National Assembly and State Offices Primaries 21.1 The National Executive Committee shall provide guidelines for the conduct and management of ward congresses convened specially for the purpose of Gubernatorial Primaries, National Assembly, State Assembly, Local Government and Councillorship Primaries. 21.2 Gubernatorial Primaries a) For the purpose of the nomination of a gubernatorial candidate of the party, the State shall form one constituency while the ward congress shall be the Electoral College. b) An aspirant seeking nomination as gubernatorial candidate shall submit himself to election at ward congresses in the State convened specially for that purpose. Any aspirant who scores simple majority of the total votes cast in more than half of wards within the State shall be considered winner and therefore duly nominated. c) If at the end of the first ballot no winner emerges, there shall be a second ballot in which the two aspirants with the highest number of votes cast in the highest number of wards shall be eligible to contest and the aspirant with a simple majority of the votes cast in the second ballot shall be considered the winner and therefore duly nominated. 21.3 National Assembly Primaries a) For the purpose of the nomination of a member of the National Assembly of the party, the relevant National Assembly constituency shall form one constituency while the ward congress shall be the Electoral College. b) An aspirant seeking nomination as a National Assembly candidate shall submit himself to election at the ward congresses within his constituency specially convened for that purpose. Any aspirant who scores simple majority of the total votes cast in more than half of the wards within the constituency shall be considered winner and therefore duly nominated. c) Where no winner emerges in the first ballot, there shall be a second ballot in which the two aspirants with the highest number of wards in the first ballot shall be eligible to contest and the aspirant with a simple majority of the votes cast in the second ballot shall be considered the winner and therefore duly nominated, 21.4 State House of Assembly Primaries a) For the purpose of the nomination of a candidate to the State House of Assembly, the area so designated as State House of Assembly Constituency shall be one constituency. b) An aspirant seeking nomination as State House of Assembly candidate shall submit himself to election at Ward Congresses within his constituency specially convened for the purpose. Any aspirant who scores a simple majority of the total votes cast in more than half the wards within the constituency shall be considered winner and therefore duly nominated. c) Where no winner emerges at the first ballot, there shall be a second ballot in which the two aspirants with the highest number of votes cast in the highest number of wards in the first ballots shall be eligible to contest and the aspirant with the simply majority of the votes cast in the second ballot shall be considered the winner and duly nominated. 21.5 Local Government Chairman Primaries a) For the purpose of the nomination of a Local Government Council Chairman of the party, the Local Government Area shall form one constituency. b) An aspirant seeking nomination as L.G.A Chairmanship candidate shall submit himself to election at Ward Congresses specially convened for that purpose. Any aspirant who scores a simple majority of the total votes cast in more than half of the wards within the constituency shall be considered winner and therefore duly nominated. c) Where no winner emerges in the first ballot, there shall be a second ballot in which the two aspirants with the highest number of votes cast in the highest number of wards in the first ballot shall be eligible to contest and the aspirant with the simple majority of the votes cast in the second ballot shall be considered the winner and duly nominated. 21.6 Councillorship Primaries a) For the purpose of the nomination of a Councilor of the party each ward shall form one constituency. b) An aspirant seeking nomination as Councillorship candidate shall submit himself to election at the Ward Congress specially convened for that purpose, provided that his nomination is supported by twenty (20) registered members of the party from the ward. c) The candidate that wins the highest number of votes cast at the Ward Congress shall be considered winner. d) Where in the first ballot, no candidate wins up to fifty (50%) percent of the votes, there shall be a second ballot in which the two candidates having the highest votes in the first ballot shall be eligible to contest and the candidate with a simple majority of the votes cast shall be considered duly nominated. ARTICLE 22 22 Election Panel 1. There shall be election panels to adjudicate on complaints of any candidate. 2. The election panel at the National level shall be constituted by the National Executive Committee and shall constitute party members of proven integrity and reflect National geographical spread. 3. The election panel at the State level shall be constituted by the State Executive Committee and shall consist of seven (7) party members of proven integrity and shall reflect the geographical spread. ARTICLE 23 Amendment to the Constitution The provisions of the constitution shall be subject to amendment, if it is decided by a minimum of two-thirds of the financial members of the party present and voting at a National Convention, provided that notice of such amendment shall have been filed with the National secretariat not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the National Convention and circulated not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of Convention. SCHEDULE 1 INTERPRETATION OF TERMS For the purpose of this party and in the context of this Constitution, the following terms are here defined. a) At all levels: means at the National, State, Local Government Area and Council Ward levels. b) Egalitarian society means society in which members of that society are treated as equals legally, socially, morally and politically and exposed to equal opportunities to develop their inherent potential as individuals without prejudice to ethnic origin, religion or circumstances of birth or sex. c) Officer means elected official. d) Official means a person employed and paid by the party. e) Primary health care means comprehensive health care, including basic medical immunization, health education, essential drug supply to health institution, nutrition, maternal and child health. f) Principal Executive Organs mean the National Executive Committee at the National level, the State Executive Committee, Local Government Area level, and Ward Executive Committee at the Ward level. g) Transition period means the time between the formation of the party and when it becomes established. SCHEDULE 2 A. OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE I…………………………………………, do solemnly swear/affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA and the Federal Republic of Nigeria and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. So help me God. B. OATHS OF OFFICE I…………………………………………, do solemnly swear/affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA. I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully and in accordance with the Constitution of ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA and the law and always in the interest of the integrity, solidarity, advancement, well-being and prosperity of the ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA and the Federal Republic of Nigeria; that I will strive to pursue, enhance and implement the aims and objectives of the party as contained in its Constitution and Manifestoes; that I will not allow my personal interest to influence my official decisions; that in all circumstances, I will do right to all members and organs of the party and to all manner of people. According to the law without fear or favour, affection or ill-will; that I will not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any person any matter which shall be brought under my consideration or shall become known to me as an officer of the party except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties, and that I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the people of Nigeria. So help me God.


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